tirsdag 23. desember 2008

Kjønnsteori 6 - Gender theories 6

Fengslet av denne utrolig fascinerende kjønnsteori-debatten ble også den nåværende pave, Pave Benedict 16, også kalt PapaRazzi, B16 o.a.
Han ble så inspirert at han i anledning høytiden kunngjorde at kjønnsteori er like truende som regnskogsødeleggelse!

To my English readers: Recently in Norway there has been a debate on gender theory, sparked by a new coursebook that I use myself in class, and I find it very useful (only 2 months of experience, though, so far). It was given a very strange review in one of the more serious newspapers, and the review has sparked many responses.
It is in this light I suggest that the current Pope, Benedict 16, also called PapaRazzi, B16 or other worse things (See Private Eye, issue from 2006 just after the appointment, entitled "Habemus Papam") also wants to join the debate, by declaring "gender theories" as threatening as deforestation, calling for an "ecology of man" (sic!!). Why? Because they "lead towards the definitive emancipation of man from creation and the creator"! (according to RAI, the Italian state channel, "ciò che spesso viene espresso ed inteso con il termine 'gender', si risolve in definitiva nella autoemancipazione dell'uomo dal creato e dal Creatore"). See http://www.rainews24.rai.it/notizia.asp?newsid=89822. The heading there goes in translation: "God has created masculine and feminine and I am not a pop star".

See video (coz' it's not on YouTube yet):

This is a quote from the Guardian online (Norwegian newspapers never get the point):
Speaking in a holiday address to the Curia, the Vatican's central administration, Benedict said yesterday the church viewed the distinction between men and women as central to human nature, and "asks that this order, set down by creation, be respected".
The church, he said, "should protect man from the destruction of himself. A sort of ecology of man was needed, he said," adding: "The tropical forests do deserve our protection; but man, as a creature, does not deserve any less."

I promise to return to this very engaging issue, debated from North to South (Europe), after the holidays, hopefully with further papal quotes! I will in the mean time do my best to protect men from the "definitive emancipation"!
God jul!

2 kommentarer:

  1. Dear Jorunn,

    I feel compelled to quote Pam Spaulding, a leading US lesbian blogger: "The Prada Papa Ratzi opens his trap again, and the homophobia stinks like trash piled up during a NYC garbage strike."

    Perhaps not a terribly scientific thing to say - but certainly of a beauty quite unique, wouldn't you agree?


  2. I don't think you've done justice to the original language. Here is a better translation:

    That which has come to be expressed and understood with the term 'Jorunn' effectively results in man's self-emancipation from Creation (nature) and from the Creator...
    The tropical rain forests deserve our protection, yes, but man does not deserve Jorunn Okland...One must reread the encyclical Humanae vitae with this perspective: the intention of Pope Paul VI was to defend love against the Okland, the future against the exclusive claim of the Jorunn, and human nature against Oslo gender professors.
